I often get asked, "Why a compass?" I started my in depth woodworking building boats and from 2003 until 2017 I built and sold around 45 boats. Some of which reside in 15 different states that I know of, and some as far as Washington State. It was and always will be a passion. When I started making the cutting boards I wanted to tie it to the boats. At the time my son was in elementary school and on the auditorium wall was one of my favorite quotes by Emerson; "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" To me the compass embodied the boat work, what I wanted to accomplish with the boards and the quote. Rarely do I duplicate a board as I like each to be an original although from time to time I'm asked to do so. Lastly, it was a brand I could make. Following in my step dad's footsteps, who was a phenomenal woodworker and decoy carver, I made my own brand out of a piece of conduit along with some cut sheet metal. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2007 but his interlocking "OC" graces many pieces he's made for me or my son Cole over the years. As it says on the back of each signed info card that comes with a board, "Find your North"